Self-Storage in Zurich, Hardstrasse
Hardstrasse 81
8004 Zurich
Opening Hours & Access:
“24/7”—24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
Mo – So: 00:00 – 24:00 Uhr
Our customer service team is available by phone Monday through Friday, from 08:30 to 12:00 and 13:30 to 17:00. For all of our customers, there is a “24/7” emergency number.
Telephone: 044 842 66 44
Welche Lagerräume gibt es?
Wir bieten an allen unseren Standorten Lagerraum-Boxen von klitzeklein bis riesengroß. Hier sehen Sie eine Übersicht der gängisten Größen. Welche Lagerräume in welchen Standorten aktuell frei sind, sehen Sie weiter unten auf dieser Seite in unserem Reservierungstool.
Alle unsere Lagerräume sind sicher, sauber, trocken und können wöchentlich gekündigt werden.
Klein (0-2m³)
Mittel (3-6m³)
Groß (7-15m³)
Extragroß (+16m³)

What does one of our self-storage locations look like from the inside?
Using the example of our location at the Schmiede Wiedikon in Zurich:Move your mouse over one of the numbers or letters to see pictures from the inside. Some of the boxes also offer a look inside. In this location you can park your car directly in front of the entrance gate.
Free transportation of your belongings? Short-term storage needs?
Yes, we offer free transportation of your belongings to your storage location free of charge, with some limited conditions; and yes, we also offer short-term storage. Please give us a call at the telephone number on the top right.